Today, I have been followed, screamed at, talked to, grabbed and whistled at. Well, it is told to me that this is not common where I went. However, while walking down the streets of Brooklyn I have never in my life gotten so much attention. Scared, overwhelmed and angry I spent 4 hours walking around, desperately trying to find the stuff I was looking for, to become the gifts to some friends home in Sweden. During the whole time, guys were screaming to me from cars and when walking by me grabbing my arm and trying to pull me into side streets. But, the worst thing was though when guys were constantly following me, sometimes for several blocks. They walked two meters behind me, trying to talk to me and giving comments about how my butt looked like. When I went into a store they stood outside waiting. Finally, after a guy had been stalking me, he grabbed my arm and was angry because I had ignored him. My heart started beating really fast, and I noticed I was shaking of chock and anger. I ran into a Dunkin Donut, yes scared as well. I guess I had gotten too much. This must have been shown, because the women working there asked if everything was ok. I was too upset to hide my feelings, and told her I just wanted a taxi and go back to the hostel. She told me to sit down and called a cab for me. 15 min later I was home and safe in the hostel.
I have always seen myself as street smart with a thick skin. But today was overwhelming, and I felt very vulnerable. Perhaps street smart does not always mean that you can handle yourself wherever you go, rather it is sometimes to actually stay away from places that could result into unwanted situations.
Things were created to be used. People were created to be loved. The reason why the world is in chaos, is because people are being used and things are being loved!
Sightseeing deluxe
We are having a movie night, Inception is the movie. Well, the fact that I am sitting by the computer right now instead of in front of the tv pretty much explains what I think about the movie. Its not bad, it just... not interesting at all. I could not care less about DiCaprios character, it's too much of an action movie to wake up my hard-won sympathies. I am not surprised though, the whole world seems to love this movie and me and the rest of the world seldom have the same taste.
Anyways! Today was great, I walked and walked and walked, and I took over 100 photos. It was crazy hot bud I am not complaining, I'm gonna miss the heat! First I went to Liberty Island for maybe 2 hours, then to Central park for like 3 hours, and then at last to Times Square, which was a cool area!
Here are some photos, the first one I like a lot, thank you my dear darling Sony camera!
I managed to take some pretty good pics, didn't I?
And tomorrow... hm... it was something... what was it now? Oh... maybe... no, I can't remember. I think something is happening, but right now, my mind tries to ignore it, whatever it is.
Anyways! Today was great, I walked and walked and walked, and I took over 100 photos. It was crazy hot bud I am not complaining, I'm gonna miss the heat! First I went to Liberty Island for maybe 2 hours, then to Central park for like 3 hours, and then at last to Times Square, which was a cool area!
Here are some photos, the first one I like a lot, thank you my dear darling Sony camera!
I managed to take some pretty good pics, didn't I?
And tomorrow... hm... it was something... what was it now? Oh... maybe... no, I can't remember. I think something is happening, but right now, my mind tries to ignore it, whatever it is.
The week is described..
I have noticed that Elin uploaded some pics. I have been trying too, but it is not working. Either Elins camera is just way better than mine, or she has more talent with computer usage than me. Whatever it is, it does not work for me. So, I guess all my pics will be a suprise until I come home and using my own computer. As Elin mentioned, we are back in NY at the hostel where everything started. I have just woken up, drinking my coffee and getting ready to hit the streets. Today on my list to do is, by the way not so much as Elin has planned. Rather, I will try to found a store for hiphop clothing to by some things for a friend in Sweden. Thereafter I will try to get in contact with Elin, whereever she is, and hook up with her.
Yesterday, we came back from a wonderful week with my family. They are so amazing and I am so thankful for having them. I will try to summerize up the week at bethany beach.
SATURDAY - We arrive, and get ready for the tradtional chicken dinner at Pennys. There I met all of my family, some I had not seen since 10 years ago. Thereafter, me, Andreas, Mom, Elin, Tim and Ryan went to a bar in downtown bethany and had some cosmopolitan/amaretto sour.
SUNDAY - Directly when we woke up we went to the beach and I said hello to the ocean, while playing with my beloved cousins. After, I went together with Ryan, Andreas and Elin to Ocean City, where after a lot of searching we found a restaurant, which fit our needs. We ate a typical american meal, including a lot of cheese, fried food, and a big dessert. In the evening we had a ceremony towards my grandfather and my uncle, who both passed away.
MONDAY - Me and Elin got a ride into bethany, where we walked around and looked at clothes. Later we had a big crab feast at our beach house. Just love it. And after, me, Serene, Sean, John, Andreas and Jen went into Ocean City where we drank in buckets and had a wonderful time.
TUESDAY - I walked over to Serene, and spent my day talking to her. Thereafter, I came home, and me and Mom and Elin went for some checking out stores. We found this huge clothing store, which did not have anything above 5 dollors. Still, I did not found anything I liked. We also found a christmas store. In the evening me, Elin and Andreas went to the board-walk at ocean city. We drank huge margharitas, hugged strangers, and finally ended up at a nightclub.
WEDNESDAY - I had a lazy morning at the beach. At noon I went out to eat lunch with Mom, Penny and Megan. It was very nice. We came home, went to the beach, and than was invited over to Penny for Burritos. Thereafter I hanged out at Serenes in the evening.
THURSDAY - I started the day by going and getting manicures with Serene, Riley and Liz. Thereafter, I played modelling with Elin, b and Riley, before going to Serenes and eating a delicios barbeque and playing charades. My team won! Later, me, andreas, phillip, serene, sean, elin and Liz went for ice cream and some hanging in a pub.
FRIDAY- Me and mom, together with B and Liv went to the beach, whereby we said goodbye to the ocean. After, me, Elin, mom and my two brothers went to a seafood buffe. Oyster is by the way my favorite food. And that was one of the 30 dishes that was served. As one says, I got food-orgasms, to great to even describe. Later we went back to Penny where everyone was, played some poker and said goodbye. Then, we went back to our beach house, cleaned, packed an watched films of us four children, when young.
SATURDAY- Everyone woke up early. Packed and finished cleaning and than met up at a restuarant to eat breakfast, before driving back to whatever the destination was.
As you see, the week was wonderful. And now, I am now gonna start this day with some showering, smoking and eating!
Yesterday, we came back from a wonderful week with my family. They are so amazing and I am so thankful for having them. I will try to summerize up the week at bethany beach.
SATURDAY - We arrive, and get ready for the tradtional chicken dinner at Pennys. There I met all of my family, some I had not seen since 10 years ago. Thereafter, me, Andreas, Mom, Elin, Tim and Ryan went to a bar in downtown bethany and had some cosmopolitan/amaretto sour.
SUNDAY - Directly when we woke up we went to the beach and I said hello to the ocean, while playing with my beloved cousins. After, I went together with Ryan, Andreas and Elin to Ocean City, where after a lot of searching we found a restaurant, which fit our needs. We ate a typical american meal, including a lot of cheese, fried food, and a big dessert. In the evening we had a ceremony towards my grandfather and my uncle, who both passed away.
MONDAY - Me and Elin got a ride into bethany, where we walked around and looked at clothes. Later we had a big crab feast at our beach house. Just love it. And after, me, Serene, Sean, John, Andreas and Jen went into Ocean City where we drank in buckets and had a wonderful time.
TUESDAY - I walked over to Serene, and spent my day talking to her. Thereafter, I came home, and me and Mom and Elin went for some checking out stores. We found this huge clothing store, which did not have anything above 5 dollors. Still, I did not found anything I liked. We also found a christmas store. In the evening me, Elin and Andreas went to the board-walk at ocean city. We drank huge margharitas, hugged strangers, and finally ended up at a nightclub.
WEDNESDAY - I had a lazy morning at the beach. At noon I went out to eat lunch with Mom, Penny and Megan. It was very nice. We came home, went to the beach, and than was invited over to Penny for Burritos. Thereafter I hanged out at Serenes in the evening.
THURSDAY - I started the day by going and getting manicures with Serene, Riley and Liz. Thereafter, I played modelling with Elin, b and Riley, before going to Serenes and eating a delicios barbeque and playing charades. My team won! Later, me, andreas, phillip, serene, sean, elin and Liz went for ice cream and some hanging in a pub.
FRIDAY- Me and mom, together with B and Liv went to the beach, whereby we said goodbye to the ocean. After, me, Elin, mom and my two brothers went to a seafood buffe. Oyster is by the way my favorite food. And that was one of the 30 dishes that was served. As one says, I got food-orgasms, to great to even describe. Later we went back to Penny where everyone was, played some poker and said goodbye. Then, we went back to our beach house, cleaned, packed an watched films of us four children, when young.
SATURDAY- Everyone woke up early. Packed and finished cleaning and than met up at a restuarant to eat breakfast, before driving back to whatever the destination was.
As you see, the week was wonderful. And now, I am now gonna start this day with some showering, smoking and eating!
The streets of New York
But first some random pictures:
Im off to NYC, today is my tourist day and I'm so excited! Above me you can see the lovely persons I stayed with in Bethany; Nessicas mother and brothers plus her oncle with family.
Time to go, the statue of Liberty, central park and Times Square by night is on my schedule! See you later!
Ps, Therese Alshammar, I love you. Ds.
Im off to NYC, today is my tourist day and I'm so excited! Above me you can see the lovely persons I stayed with in Bethany; Nessicas mother and brothers plus her oncle with family.
Time to go, the statue of Liberty, central park and Times Square by night is on my schedule! See you later!
Ps, Therese Alshammar, I love you. Ds.
Back where it all started...
In Brooklyn, NY. We left Bethany Beach at 08.30 this morning, and we just arrived to the hostel, so yes, I am tired, and yes, I smell really bad. But finally I can upload some photos :) Oh well, the computer didnt really work with me, more pics later!
X, Elin
X, Elin
Mixed feelings...
Sorry guys for so few pictures, byt we are not using any computer that gives us the opportunity to opload. Today is the last day of the beach week with my family. Right now Elin is off for jet skiing, and I am on my way with my mom and my two cousins to the beach, Later we are going to a fun afternoon thing with me and my brothers. So how do I feel, knowing that in four days I will be back in Sweden? Well, there are mixed feelings. I am happy to come back and get some regular days, and getting ready for a new year as a student. On the other hand, I am sad, both knowing that the adventure with Elin is coming to the end, as well as, knowing that it will be a few years before I will get the possibility to see my family in USA again. Well, tonight is going to be the last reunion dinner, and tomorrow in the morning we are driving back to DC. Elin and I will jump on a bus to NY where we will spend are last days. Ok, now changing into beach clothes and off for some haning by the ocean,
Hi folks!
I'm sitting in the sofa with sweet little Beatrice and sweet little Olivia, Phillip is also a sweet one that should be mentioned, since he is letting me use his computer while he is playing racket ball. The days goes so fast that I wish that I could stop the time, but of course, that is not possible.
As Nessica said, we went to Ocean City the other day. Me, Nessica and Andreas got dropped off at street 144 and then the bus took us all the way to street 1, where we begun our walk at the board walk. First we just looked at people, and when we got thirsty we went to some Mexican bar where they served the biggest Margaritas, we shared one, and after that Andreas decided that we should play a game. We walked along the board walk, and the three of us took turn handing out free hugs. The one who chickened out was going to lose. Thanks to the Margarita(?) no-one ever lost, we just kept hugging people, ha ha. Later on we found a night club, and for the first time in my life I heard a disco version of Scar Tissue. I'm still a bit upset about it.
What else? Beach life, puzzles, games, dinners, conversations, movie nights, ice cream, all the regular holiday stuff. I wish I could upload some photos but I can't right now. Oh, and I have to mention that I've been marked. Andreas gave Nessica a hickey on her neck, and since he has decided to treat me just as if I were his sister, he wrestled me down and gave me one too. A BIG one. How nice of him! Hm... ha ha. And, I don't have the energy to cover it with make-up anymore, so if you see a suspicious mark on my neck in future photos, it is not as suspicious as it looks. Ha ha. Oh, and later the same night he accidentally burned me with his cigarette, so now I have a new scar on the inside of my knee. That is actually great, I love to collect scars from trips, since they are like authentic tattoos. I have one on my hip from Australia 1, another one on my lip from Australia 2, one on my hand from when I was volunteering in Thailand, and now, I have an American scar too. I'm actually happy!
Have a good day and see you!
I'm sitting in the sofa with sweet little Beatrice and sweet little Olivia, Phillip is also a sweet one that should be mentioned, since he is letting me use his computer while he is playing racket ball. The days goes so fast that I wish that I could stop the time, but of course, that is not possible.
As Nessica said, we went to Ocean City the other day. Me, Nessica and Andreas got dropped off at street 144 and then the bus took us all the way to street 1, where we begun our walk at the board walk. First we just looked at people, and when we got thirsty we went to some Mexican bar where they served the biggest Margaritas, we shared one, and after that Andreas decided that we should play a game. We walked along the board walk, and the three of us took turn handing out free hugs. The one who chickened out was going to lose. Thanks to the Margarita(?) no-one ever lost, we just kept hugging people, ha ha. Later on we found a night club, and for the first time in my life I heard a disco version of Scar Tissue. I'm still a bit upset about it.
What else? Beach life, puzzles, games, dinners, conversations, movie nights, ice cream, all the regular holiday stuff. I wish I could upload some photos but I can't right now. Oh, and I have to mention that I've been marked. Andreas gave Nessica a hickey on her neck, and since he has decided to treat me just as if I were his sister, he wrestled me down and gave me one too. A BIG one. How nice of him! Hm... ha ha. And, I don't have the energy to cover it with make-up anymore, so if you see a suspicious mark on my neck in future photos, it is not as suspicious as it looks. Ha ha. Oh, and later the same night he accidentally burned me with his cigarette, so now I have a new scar on the inside of my knee. That is actually great, I love to collect scars from trips, since they are like authentic tattoos. I have one on my hip from Australia 1, another one on my lip from Australia 2, one on my hand from when I was volunteering in Thailand, and now, I have an American scar too. I'm actually happy!
Have a good day and see you!
Ocean City
I am here in Bethany Beach, hanging out with my family and relatives. It is nice... I have a bunch of photos that I want to upload, but I am not at a computer were it is possible, so I guess it will be a later project. Yesterday we ate crabs and spent time with the whole crew. Tonight me and my brothers + Elin will go to Ocean City. It is like a huge borad walk, with lots of clubs, casinos and other fun stuff. At the moment I am hanging out at Sean and Serenes, and waiting for something to happen.... Ok that will be all for now...
Madams Organ
Before I do anything else, I want to send my thoughts to our dear neighbour country, Norway. I can't believe that it is true, I don't want to believe it. May you all have the strenght to go through this tragedy.
Me and Nessica are now in the beach house in Bethany Beach, Delaware. The house is big; me, Nessica, Andreas, Phillip and their mother is staying upstairs, and Nessicas oncle with family is staying downstairs. The rest of the family members are staying in other houses in the same area as this. We have our own private beach, and from the beach one can see dolphins jump far far away. It's hot, the waves are big, life is pretty good.
Friday night was something special, I must tell you about it, haha. First we went out with some colleagues from lovely Ivy, and around five Nessica went to meet up with a friend, and I stayed at the After work place. We knew we were leaving at 6 in the morning the next morning so we said to each other; ok, lets try to keep in touch during the night, maybe we can go home together. So, we split up in Rockville, which is pretty far away from DC, and after finishing the After work, me and Mr B decided to go to some place where we could play air hockey. I mentioned that I hadn't been to Adams Morgan yet, the big party street in DC, so he said hey, lets go! For a second I thought about the alarm that was going to wake me up at 5, but then I thought about how I always tell myself to say yes instead of no more often, and then I said sure, lets go!
So, we took the metro to Adams Morgan and we went to a couple of places, and we finally ended up at Madams Organ. I tried to call Nessica but since the reception was so bad I sort of gave up the idea. I had a great night and I was back home again at 2.35. 2.45 the door opened and Nessica came home. I told her I've had a great night and then I asked her where she'd been and she replied: I've been at Madams Organ! And then I laughted for 10 minutes or so. I just could not stop. We'd been at the same place without knowing it. It still makes me laugh, haha!
2 hours later we were up again, we packed the last stuff, we cleaned our room, we hugged lovely Phil and Portia and at 6 we said goodbye. I hate to say goodbye.
This week will be a relaxed one, I will mostly hang out at the beach. Today Ryan drove us to Ocean city in his mustang, It was great to sit in the back of the roofless car with the wind in my hair, singing along to Lonely Island. I felt so happy, so blessed. Life is sweet.
Me and Nessica are now in the beach house in Bethany Beach, Delaware. The house is big; me, Nessica, Andreas, Phillip and their mother is staying upstairs, and Nessicas oncle with family is staying downstairs. The rest of the family members are staying in other houses in the same area as this. We have our own private beach, and from the beach one can see dolphins jump far far away. It's hot, the waves are big, life is pretty good.
Friday night was something special, I must tell you about it, haha. First we went out with some colleagues from lovely Ivy, and around five Nessica went to meet up with a friend, and I stayed at the After work place. We knew we were leaving at 6 in the morning the next morning so we said to each other; ok, lets try to keep in touch during the night, maybe we can go home together. So, we split up in Rockville, which is pretty far away from DC, and after finishing the After work, me and Mr B decided to go to some place where we could play air hockey. I mentioned that I hadn't been to Adams Morgan yet, the big party street in DC, so he said hey, lets go! For a second I thought about the alarm that was going to wake me up at 5, but then I thought about how I always tell myself to say yes instead of no more often, and then I said sure, lets go!
So, we took the metro to Adams Morgan and we went to a couple of places, and we finally ended up at Madams Organ. I tried to call Nessica but since the reception was so bad I sort of gave up the idea. I had a great night and I was back home again at 2.35. 2.45 the door opened and Nessica came home. I told her I've had a great night and then I asked her where she'd been and she replied: I've been at Madams Organ! And then I laughted for 10 minutes or so. I just could not stop. We'd been at the same place without knowing it. It still makes me laugh, haha!
2 hours later we were up again, we packed the last stuff, we cleaned our room, we hugged lovely Phil and Portia and at 6 we said goodbye. I hate to say goodbye.
This week will be a relaxed one, I will mostly hang out at the beach. Today Ryan drove us to Ocean city in his mustang, It was great to sit in the back of the roofless car with the wind in my hair, singing along to Lonely Island. I felt so happy, so blessed. Life is sweet.
Today on ABC 7 news...
Went on a field trip today, to Channel 7. It was pretty cool :)
The famous green screen!
School pose ;)
Great staff!
Now it's time for me to pack my bag and get ready for take-off, we're leaving Saturday morning and since we're having After work with the staff tomorrow, I prefer to do it today.
Can't believe we're leaving. It's scary how fast the days go by. My English is another scary thing, but let's not talk about that now!
Well... I don't think we will be able to write so much from the beach house, where we will be staying for a week, so I might as well continue now when I have the chance.
Working (and by that I mean "working" since we observe more than anything else) at Ivy Mount reminded me of my years in the child care center, and I must admit that a part of me miss to work with kids. Ok, the ones in our class are not kids, but the thing is the same in many ways. Your responsibility is among many other things to act as a role model and to answer questions about the big scary world that is waiting on them. But it is also to explain the important things in life; to treat each other with respect and to be nice to each other. No education in the world is more important than that.
I have also realized another thing. I do want to come back to the US one day. The first two weeks I thought: This is a one time experience, I will not come back again, (even though I enjoyed my holiday, I just felt that USA was a one-time-country) but you have to give every country some time before you judge it. Weird sentence but hopefully you get what I mean. I don't want to live in the US, but I could go back for another holiday, or to do some kind of project.
Oh, I hear voices outside, time to go!
The day has come...
I just didn't know it would come so soon. I have just realised that I'll soon be back in Sweden and I. Don't. Want. To. I don't want to! I wanna keep travelling! I already know I will have a small depression when returning, but I think that is normal. Or, for me it is anyway.
I really like it at Ivy Mount, the kids are awesome and the staff is just great. Me and Nessica had some problems today though, you know these days when you just can't stop laughing, or, giggling is a better word. We had that kind of day today, a giggling day, until lunch time, when we decided to shape up and separate us from each other. It worked!
One exercise we did today was really funny, the teacher was pretending to be our mum, and she pretended to wear clothes that were too small and made her look fat. Then she asked each one of us; "Do I look fat in this?", and we had to answer honestly but in two different ways; first, in a bad way, and then in a good way. So, since she actually looked fat in it (well, not the teacher, but our imaginary mother), we had to say "yes you look fat" but in a nice way. Because, you should be able to be honest without hurting the persons feelings, and even though it is hard to be honest, one must be able to be honest anyway. My rude answer was: No, not ten years ago, but now, oh yes. My nice answer was; It looks ok, but your dress with flowers on is my favourite, can't you wear that one instead?
The kids were just amazing on coming up with good answers, we all had a good laugh, but I also got really impressed too.
It starting to feel kind of sad that we're only there for a week, I will miss the place!
After work we went to the mall, and I stayed for 5 hours ;P Bought a silly thing, since I loooove Disney and I loooove Christmas. Yes, a Disney thing to put in the X-mas tree :)
Nessica is out dancing salsa, so I'm gonna go have dinner with the family. See you!
XX, Elin
I really like it at Ivy Mount, the kids are awesome and the staff is just great. Me and Nessica had some problems today though, you know these days when you just can't stop laughing, or, giggling is a better word. We had that kind of day today, a giggling day, until lunch time, when we decided to shape up and separate us from each other. It worked!
One exercise we did today was really funny, the teacher was pretending to be our mum, and she pretended to wear clothes that were too small and made her look fat. Then she asked each one of us; "Do I look fat in this?", and we had to answer honestly but in two different ways; first, in a bad way, and then in a good way. So, since she actually looked fat in it (well, not the teacher, but our imaginary mother), we had to say "yes you look fat" but in a nice way. Because, you should be able to be honest without hurting the persons feelings, and even though it is hard to be honest, one must be able to be honest anyway. My rude answer was: No, not ten years ago, but now, oh yes. My nice answer was; It looks ok, but your dress with flowers on is my favourite, can't you wear that one instead?
The kids were just amazing on coming up with good answers, we all had a good laugh, but I also got really impressed too.
It starting to feel kind of sad that we're only there for a week, I will miss the place!
After work we went to the mall, and I stayed for 5 hours ;P Bought a silly thing, since I loooove Disney and I loooove Christmas. Yes, a Disney thing to put in the X-mas tree :)
Nessica is out dancing salsa, so I'm gonna go have dinner with the family. See you!
XX, Elin
I hope you have fun tonight darling!
Yesterday me and Phillip and Liz went to the pool, Phillip amazed all the little kids with his skills :)
This is just a kiss from a brother to a sister, Andreas and Phillip have accepted that I am their new sister, they have adopted me and I'm grateful, haha :)
Reading people!
At Ivy Mount we talked about how to read people. To understand what people mean, not what people say. Also, that people react towards you depending on you own behaviour when you are saying something. Example, using a mean or angry voice, will give a different response, rather than using a kind and happy voice. The children, with the diagnose Autism, was excellent when performing the different tasks. They used me and Elin to get feedback, and help to understand why people react in different matters. I was impressed, these children are better at conversation and discussing than all other 15 and 16 year old teens i have met in my life. They are so concerned about doing things right, and having relationships with other human beings. It is obvious that they are strong and intelligent people who will succeed brilliant in their future lives. I only wish that these exercises would be used to all teens, because it is needed for sure!
Glennon Drive
We had a wonderful night tonight, it was me and Nessica, Phil, Portia and Danny, Nessicas mum and brothers, and an old friend of Portia and Liz, together with her husband.
I might not have told you the story of why we are here in Bethesda? Nessicas mother lived here when she was a teenager and she met Lisa and Portia here in school, and that is the reason why we ended up with these lovely persons. They have not only opened up their home for us, but also their hearts, and that is just amazing and something I will never forget.
Home sweet home! And you can also see Bridget in this picture, Bridget the dog.
Lisa and Portia!
Nessica and Phillip
Nessica and her mother.
We played games tonight, that Swedish hand clapping game and also our new favourite, catch the bacon! Lots of fun, and my team won after a very tight game!
Speaking of winning, couldn't decide which team to hope for, Dolphin slaughter country or USA. The Dolphin slaughters won in the end, I'm not glad but not sorry either. It is what it is.
Living the life, with the people I love!
As always, I am drinking my coffee, and slowly my brain and my body is waking up. It is Sunday and I have no real plans what to do today. There are, though, some ideas about going to the mall and checking out some clothes, or perhaps taking a bike ride. Elin is still sleeping so I cannot take any decisions yet. It has gone a couple of days now when Elin has been doing her stuff, and I been doing other things. That has been nice, and I love that we can be independent. But, now I miss her! So today, whatever we will do, I want to be with her.
Yesterdy was spent with eating mexican food, talking and thereafter hanging out with my wonderful sister, brothers and the outstanding mom. We played cranium, and me, Ryan and Andreas won. Oh, yeah talking about my family, I am gonna call my brothers and see if they want to hang out with me today. I miss them so much and have to take advantage that we are in the same city, which does not happend very often. Ok, so now, some more coffee, and let the day begin!
Yesterdy was spent with eating mexican food, talking and thereafter hanging out with my wonderful sister, brothers and the outstanding mom. We played cranium, and me, Ryan and Andreas won. Oh, yeah talking about my family, I am gonna call my brothers and see if they want to hang out with me today. I miss them so much and have to take advantage that we are in the same city, which does not happend very often. Ok, so now, some more coffee, and let the day begin!
Oh, such a perfect day...
Ok, my feet are sore but hey! I had a great day, so it's totally worth it. I went to see the Washington monument, the WWII monument, the Lincoln memorial and then the White house again, this time from the other side, where the fountain is.
I was also very lucky, because outside Lincolns hood two teenagers stopped me. They wanted to ask some questions about religion and my opinion about religious persons and so on, and do I like to say my opinion or do I like to say my opinion? They asked me a bunch of questions and I gave them my 10 min answers, haha. They asked me for example how it is in Sweden with religion, and I said that even though Sweden is a secular state, many people would argue that Sweden is a christian country, and many people would say that they are Christians without really knowing anything about it. They also asked if I get annoyed or feel provoked when someone tells me that he or she is religious, or if I feel uncomfortable among people that are religious. It's easy for me to answer that question, but the topic is a complex one. I said no, of course not, but when they asked about something that makes me annoyed, I said what I always say, that do get annoyed and angry when people pretend to be christian for a moment "because it's tradition", a.ka. baptising kids without being a true christian. I told them I never EVER would baptism my kids, because I think it would be insulting of me to do so; I want to show my true christian friends respect. After that we started to talk about the political issues in Sweden, so I told him about how those who rule our country want to cut down on welfare. I told him how stupid it is, to stop people from being inside the safety net just to save money, because what happens? They end up in hell, and then the government have to pay anyway. Why not help people before they end up there? Stupid... and finally I told them about our racist party, and they got chocked. And when I think about it, I'm still chocked myself.
That was my day, a perfect blend of sightseeing and discussions ;)
I was also very lucky, because outside Lincolns hood two teenagers stopped me. They wanted to ask some questions about religion and my opinion about religious persons and so on, and do I like to say my opinion or do I like to say my opinion? They asked me a bunch of questions and I gave them my 10 min answers, haha. They asked me for example how it is in Sweden with religion, and I said that even though Sweden is a secular state, many people would argue that Sweden is a christian country, and many people would say that they are Christians without really knowing anything about it. They also asked if I get annoyed or feel provoked when someone tells me that he or she is religious, or if I feel uncomfortable among people that are religious. It's easy for me to answer that question, but the topic is a complex one. I said no, of course not, but when they asked about something that makes me annoyed, I said what I always say, that do get annoyed and angry when people pretend to be christian for a moment "because it's tradition", a.ka. baptising kids without being a true christian. I told them I never EVER would baptism my kids, because I think it would be insulting of me to do so; I want to show my true christian friends respect. After that we started to talk about the political issues in Sweden, so I told him about how those who rule our country want to cut down on welfare. I told him how stupid it is, to stop people from being inside the safety net just to save money, because what happens? They end up in hell, and then the government have to pay anyway. Why not help people before they end up there? Stupid... and finally I told them about our racist party, and they got chocked. And when I think about it, I'm still chocked myself.
That was my day, a perfect blend of sightseeing and discussions ;)
I am a tourist! ;)
I'm having a tourist day today! It's gonna be just me, my legs, and a lot of tourist stuff ;) I'm gonna look at the Lincon memorial (since I love team America and the scene when whatever his name is goes there), and It's also the place where the great Martin Luther King made his famous speech, so it's gonna be great!
Last night Nessica went to Virginia to dance salsa, but I didn't go, I had enough salsa this week, haha. So, instead me and Nessicas mom went to Silver Spring where Nessicas sister Maria and her husband Ryan lives. Nessicas brothers are staying with them at the moment, finally I have met all her siblings! The appartment was cosy and I loved the grass area right outside the appartment, a perfect spot for BBQ!
Oh, and I must mention the Harry Potter evening, it was great! It started at 12.01 and it felt kind of wierd to be at the cinema that late! I liked the movie a lot!
Oooh, time to go! Seeee you!
Last night Nessica went to Virginia to dance salsa, but I didn't go, I had enough salsa this week, haha. So, instead me and Nessicas mom went to Silver Spring where Nessicas sister Maria and her husband Ryan lives. Nessicas brothers are staying with them at the moment, finally I have met all her siblings! The appartment was cosy and I loved the grass area right outside the appartment, a perfect spot for BBQ!
Oh, and I must mention the Harry Potter evening, it was great! It started at 12.01 and it felt kind of wierd to be at the cinema that late! I liked the movie a lot!
Oooh, time to go! Seeee you!
Salsa - a way to be in paradise!
Tongiht, there will be way too much dancing. Just arrived home from Ivy Mount, and is now gathering energy for a night together with salsa dancing. Just love it! I do not understand why they do not have any good salsa clubs in Sweden. Whenever I travel to another country I seek out the best places to dance salsa and there you can find me at least two times a week. So, now there is going to be some serious getting ready before I meet up the rest of the crew down town. Elin is though not coming, explaining that she has already had enough salsa for a life time. Well, I guess not everyone can have the same passions.
So, have a nice evening, cause I will!
So, have a nice evening, cause I will!
What is normal?
Is normal actually being true to your feelings and honest to the people around you, or rather, playing the game, of particular social behaviour, needed to follow the rules, demanded of the society? For me, I would say that there is no such thing as normal, and instead of trying to change people to become a special way, one should encourage people to be as true to your self as possible. By the way, creating a thing, such as normal behaviour, is done only for the reason that people in general feel uncomfortable if someone is behaving in a way that they did not expect the person to do. So, normality is just a way of letting people that already have prejudices against others, fulfill their preconceptions. It makes it easy, and destroys the wonderful thing of diversity and uniqueness, that defines the human being.
The reason why this subject has been brought up, is due to that I spent my day at Ivy Mount. We had the opportunity to participate in a classroom together with eight students, diagnosed with Asperger syndrome. The students were wonderful and I am looking forward to meet them again. Still what got me discussing the word normal, is because it was used frequently by the teachers. The mission of Ivy Mount was to help the students be part of the "normal" society, and become normal. Therefore, whenever the students, behaved in a way, that according to the teacher, was a behaviour due to their syndrome, they got reprimanded and told to behave in a more normal matter. As you noticed this pissed me off! Of course I want the students to become self sufficient in the society, and have a happy and rich life, and not seeing any trouble in interacting with other people. Still, they should be true to who they are, and not change them self to fit the model constructed. This can be done through building a self knowledge, a strong confidence, and help them to understand how and why other people behave in certain way.
So, my mission the next week, when spending time with the students and teachers, is to encourage the students to stay exactly as they are, and be proud of themselves, while trying to change the behaviour of the teachers. Wish me good luck!
The reason why this subject has been brought up, is due to that I spent my day at Ivy Mount. We had the opportunity to participate in a classroom together with eight students, diagnosed with Asperger syndrome. The students were wonderful and I am looking forward to meet them again. Still what got me discussing the word normal, is because it was used frequently by the teachers. The mission of Ivy Mount was to help the students be part of the "normal" society, and become normal. Therefore, whenever the students, behaved in a way, that according to the teacher, was a behaviour due to their syndrome, they got reprimanded and told to behave in a more normal matter. As you noticed this pissed me off! Of course I want the students to become self sufficient in the society, and have a happy and rich life, and not seeing any trouble in interacting with other people. Still, they should be true to who they are, and not change them self to fit the model constructed. This can be done through building a self knowledge, a strong confidence, and help them to understand how and why other people behave in certain way.
So, my mission the next week, when spending time with the students and teachers, is to encourage the students to stay exactly as they are, and be proud of themselves, while trying to change the behaviour of the teachers. Wish me good luck!
Ivy Mount!
It is early morning and me and Elin, for the first time this vacation are looking respectful, not wearing summer clothes. We are off to Ivy Mount to do some voluntary work with children that has autism. This is a new adventure, and as we love that, we are both exited. Tonight my mother and brother is coming. That will be nice. It was a long time ago all my brothers and sister was in the same city. Ok off to some haning out on Ivy Mount!
On and on, the days goes on and on...
Last night we went to downtown Bethesda, first to an Irish pub for some trivia, and later on to a place called The barking dog, where they had a salsa night upstairs. The trivia went pretty well in the beginning, Team Sweden weren't in the top but at least in the middle, but then... then they had this theme thing, 10 questions about the same thing, and the theme was... baseball. Bye bye Team Sweden, hello Barking dog!
We met two American guys at the Irish pub, and they followed us to the salsa place. Nessica is a Salsa-holic, so she starts to dance, and then she dances 'til they close, which is perfect because then I can practise my social competence, which I seriously need, haha! I met some really funny people, It was a good night. One person I met told me that I would get really surprised when he told me what he was working with, so I replied: Oh, so your a rocket scientist? And so he was! He actually worked for NASA! I felt like a psychic, which was pretty cool, haha.
Today we've been exercising a lot! We took the bikes from Bethesda to Georgetown, a 45 min ride or so. Nessicas sister and brother joined us, and when we arrived in Georgetown, we had picnic in the grass outside "house of Sweden", a.k.a. the Swedish embassy!
After that we went to HM, and then we biked back home, I was in a hurry cause I wanted to see the match between Sweden and Stupid Dolphin Slaughter Country, (but the match was nothing to see). In the end of the biking tour it started to rain, and when it rains here, it RAINS! So I was totally wet when I stepped into the Barking dog. They let me in anyway, and a nice guy at the bar bought me some tea. Or, I was going to pay but the bartender said; no, the man over there is paying. I'm not used to that, that is not Swedish style, unfortunately! We had a nice chat about NHL and about which countries we hate when it comes to sport... I love discussing sport!
Anyway, Portia picked us up at 17.30 and later they took us out for dinner, to a nice Greek restaurant. Portia and Phil are just so wonderful to us! I'm so grateful!
Another good thing that have happened is that they called us from Ivy Mount, they are positive to having us there! So, things are going pretty well here, and tomorrow is a great day too, since we are going to the midnight premiere of Harry Potter. I've never been to a midnight cinema, so I am exited. Sam told me that the movie has already had it's premiere in Sweden, I hope you liked it, if you saw it.
Now I'm gonna keep Nessica company in the bed, like a true wife, haha! We share both bed and cover, it's really cosy :)
XX, Elin
We met two American guys at the Irish pub, and they followed us to the salsa place. Nessica is a Salsa-holic, so she starts to dance, and then she dances 'til they close, which is perfect because then I can practise my social competence, which I seriously need, haha! I met some really funny people, It was a good night. One person I met told me that I would get really surprised when he told me what he was working with, so I replied: Oh, so your a rocket scientist? And so he was! He actually worked for NASA! I felt like a psychic, which was pretty cool, haha.
Today we've been exercising a lot! We took the bikes from Bethesda to Georgetown, a 45 min ride or so. Nessicas sister and brother joined us, and when we arrived in Georgetown, we had picnic in the grass outside "house of Sweden", a.k.a. the Swedish embassy!
The Swedish embassy, well, at least the corner of it.
After that we went to HM, and then we biked back home, I was in a hurry cause I wanted to see the match between Sweden and Stupid Dolphin Slaughter Country, (but the match was nothing to see). In the end of the biking tour it started to rain, and when it rains here, it RAINS! So I was totally wet when I stepped into the Barking dog. They let me in anyway, and a nice guy at the bar bought me some tea. Or, I was going to pay but the bartender said; no, the man over there is paying. I'm not used to that, that is not Swedish style, unfortunately! We had a nice chat about NHL and about which countries we hate when it comes to sport... I love discussing sport!
Anyway, Portia picked us up at 17.30 and later they took us out for dinner, to a nice Greek restaurant. Portia and Phil are just so wonderful to us! I'm so grateful!
Another good thing that have happened is that they called us from Ivy Mount, they are positive to having us there! So, things are going pretty well here, and tomorrow is a great day too, since we are going to the midnight premiere of Harry Potter. I've never been to a midnight cinema, so I am exited. Sam told me that the movie has already had it's premiere in Sweden, I hope you liked it, if you saw it.
Now I'm gonna keep Nessica company in the bed, like a true wife, haha! We share both bed and cover, it's really cosy :)
XX, Elin
I hope you dance
We have three more weeks here in the US an A. I get a tingly feeling in my stomach when I think about it, because we have already done so much, it feels like we have been here much longer than we actually have, so how much more will we experience before it is time to go home to Sweden? When I give my man a kiss at the train station, which stories will I carry with me that I yet not know about?
Today we went to Ivy Point, we gave them our contact information and told them that we would love to do some voluntary work the next two weeks. After that we went to the pool, the family is part of a private pool thing, everyone who pay a yearly fee can go to that pool, and since we are part of the family now, we can go there too. Anyway, it is seriously too hot outside, I can be in the sun for two hours or so, then I feel like some kind of BBQ meat...
Speaking of meat; yesterday me and Nessica made dinner! I made Swedish meatballs and Nessica made oven baked potatoes with feta cheese, and brown gravy with mushrooms in. We also bought lingonberry jam, and for dessert, Nessica made us fruit cocktails. We made a mess in the kitchen, but the outcome was really good :)
When life gives you the chance to dance, you should dance! Dare to take risks, not always but every now and then, have faith in a higher power, believe in yourself. That is what I tell myself.
Crappy video but better than nothing...
XX, Elin
Today we went to Ivy Point, we gave them our contact information and told them that we would love to do some voluntary work the next two weeks. After that we went to the pool, the family is part of a private pool thing, everyone who pay a yearly fee can go to that pool, and since we are part of the family now, we can go there too. Anyway, it is seriously too hot outside, I can be in the sun for two hours or so, then I feel like some kind of BBQ meat...
Speaking of meat; yesterday me and Nessica made dinner! I made Swedish meatballs and Nessica made oven baked potatoes with feta cheese, and brown gravy with mushrooms in. We also bought lingonberry jam, and for dessert, Nessica made us fruit cocktails. We made a mess in the kitchen, but the outcome was really good :)
Soon Nessicas mother is arriving, on Thursday I think. As soon as she has arrived, Nessicas sister is going to take us to the cinema to see the new Harry Potter movie. Nessicas two brothers will also join us, I'm looking forward to meet them!
When we were sitting in the car from Philly to New Jersey, the radio played a song I haven't heard in many years. I don't like the singer that much but I love the lyrics, and when I was 15 - 16, they meant a lot to me. I actually got an impulse feeling, that IF I ever get at tattoo, perhaps it should be the line "I hope you dance", because that is what life is all about.
I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance
When life gives you the chance to dance, you should dance! Dare to take risks, not always but every now and then, have faith in a higher power, believe in yourself. That is what I tell myself.
Crappy video but better than nothing...
XX, Elin
You are brainwashed, and by the way I am going to become the world leader!
This topic actually drives me crazy, because according to me, the only reason it has become such a huge discussion, is because it is just another way for people to show that Islam is a bad religion, because they oppress their women. So, according to me Islam is a great religion, and I get crazy when people are prejudice against other people, when they do not know anything about it! Giving an example, people in the western world are pretty damn brainwashed as well, stuffing ones body with silicon only to try took look, what according to media is beautiful. So as said, do not throw stones in a glass house. One can even argue that the reason why one is even arguing about whether or not it is good with a veil, is because people in the west, mostly USA, is brainwashed by the governmental leaders that everything about the religion Islam and the culture of Muslims are bad! Therefore one tries to find faults in everything they do. By the way, to clarify, not all Muslims use the veil, but all people are brainwashed in some sense or another!
So, the only solution I can find to this problem, is to become the world leader. I thought it would be a good idea to start with USA and then work myself across the world. Of course, Elin will be next to me, on my right side!
New Jersey was nice. We spent time in the pool, in the jacuzzi, in the bar, and at the Hilton Nightclub. We also had pancake breakfast and a real American BBQ.
Now, time to make some Swedish meatballs. Wish me luck!
World Police
Wherever we go, whoever we meet, we always have political discussions. Sometimes strangers that are sitting around us jump into the discussion and sometimes the discussions get pretty heated. Yesterday I met a real idiot outside the Hilton Hotel, I admit that I have prejudices about American army people, and the man I met yesterday didn't make my thought about them better!
He had been in the US army for 20 years, 8 of them in Germany, and therefor he knew EVERYTHING about Europe. "In Europe it is like this bla bla", I replied; no it's not, it might be like that in Germany but Germany and Europe is not the same thing. "No", he said, "it IS like this in Europe, I know what". It's not that easy to have a discussion with that kind of person... and it got worse.
His opinion was that Europe is getting destroyed by Africans and Muslims, and that Europeans are too weak and too afraid of being called racists. I did my best to keep cool. He started to talk about the Muslims in Malmo, and I told him calmly that the problems we have in Malmo has nothing to do with the Muslim thing, but with the fact that the gaps in our society is getting bigger, and because of the lack of social security, because of low income versus high income and so on. But he just nodded his head and talked to me like I was an idiot, and said that it is because they are Muslims... Hm... exactly WHERE in the Holy Koran does it say that youngsters should go out and put cars on fire? Can anyone tell me that? He continued by saying something about an article he had read about the police in Sweden, and Nessica argued against him by telling him that she has studied in the police academy for one year and probably knows a tiny tiny bit more about the Swedish police than him. Then he called us cock suckers, and that was the end of the discussion. Go US Army, you are really promoting yourself in a good way!
XX, Elin
He had been in the US army for 20 years, 8 of them in Germany, and therefor he knew EVERYTHING about Europe. "In Europe it is like this bla bla", I replied; no it's not, it might be like that in Germany but Germany and Europe is not the same thing. "No", he said, "it IS like this in Europe, I know what". It's not that easy to have a discussion with that kind of person... and it got worse.
His opinion was that Europe is getting destroyed by Africans and Muslims, and that Europeans are too weak and too afraid of being called racists. I did my best to keep cool. He started to talk about the Muslims in Malmo, and I told him calmly that the problems we have in Malmo has nothing to do with the Muslim thing, but with the fact that the gaps in our society is getting bigger, and because of the lack of social security, because of low income versus high income and so on. But he just nodded his head and talked to me like I was an idiot, and said that it is because they are Muslims... Hm... exactly WHERE in the Holy Koran does it say that youngsters should go out and put cars on fire? Can anyone tell me that? He continued by saying something about an article he had read about the police in Sweden, and Nessica argued against him by telling him that she has studied in the police academy for one year and probably knows a tiny tiny bit more about the Swedish police than him. Then he called us cock suckers, and that was the end of the discussion. Go US Army, you are really promoting yourself in a good way!
XX, Elin
The Anger
I'm reading the swedish news every day, and today it says that a 2 year old kid was killed by a drunk driver. I'm just saying: If that was my kid, or my niece or nephew, I'd kill the person who did that. I would have no problem going to prison for that. I have no sympathy for drunk drivers in any way, they can try to blame their actions on whatever they want, their child hood or whatever bullshit they want, but in the end, it is an individual choise to drive drunk and nothing else. It's YOUR choise. Spare me your excuses...
Coffee, something that important!
I have not gotten my first cup of coffee, so it is feeling like some parts of my body and brain is still sleeping. Still, here we are in New Jersey, and Jessie just walked into the kitchen and I think she read my mind, cause the coffee is on its way. Yesterday, we spent the morning with my wonderful sister. We walked around downtown Washington DC and had a nice time.
In the afternoon, we went on the bus to reach Philly. I was sitting beside a guy, on his way for a month vacation in Europe. We had fun comparing cultures and recomanding places to go. Since the bus was two and half hours late we had a lot of time to kill, which we managed excelent. Thereafter, we got picked up and spent the rest of the evening and night in a jacuzzi, drinking beer and enjoying life. As we knew, Davison and Jessie are two wonderful people, and we are happy to have met them, We are already planning there trip to Sweden, and it feels like we have known them for ages. Ok, now coffee is desperatly needed, before anything else can be done today.
In the afternoon, we went on the bus to reach Philly. I was sitting beside a guy, on his way for a month vacation in Europe. We had fun comparing cultures and recomanding places to go. Since the bus was two and half hours late we had a lot of time to kill, which we managed excelent. Thereafter, we got picked up and spent the rest of the evening and night in a jacuzzi, drinking beer and enjoying life. As we knew, Davison and Jessie are two wonderful people, and we are happy to have met them, We are already planning there trip to Sweden, and it feels like we have known them for ages. Ok, now coffee is desperatly needed, before anything else can be done today.
Back to New Jersey!
So, we decided to go back to New Jersey this weekend, to visit the family we met at the pool party last weekend. They are so kind, I am looking forward to meet them again! But first we are going to meet up with Nessicas sister in DC, for a tour to a museum, and then, at three in the afternoon, we jump on the bus to Philadelphia, where the father of the family (Davison) picks us up. He had some fun stuff planned he said yesterday in the phone, gonna be interesting to see what he and his lovely wife got planned for us!
Yesterday I went to the pool instead of going with Nessica to the center, too bad since she found "a store full of Elin-dresses", as she expressed herself. I SO wanna go there! :P
In the evening we had dinner at an asian restaurant with Phil, Portia, Danny, Nessicas sister Maria and her husband Ryan. I had a Pad Thai, not as nice as in Thailand but still pretty good! The restaurant was located next to Discoverys headquarter, must remember to tell dad that.
Have a lovely weekend!
XX, Elin
Yesterday I went to the pool instead of going with Nessica to the center, too bad since she found "a store full of Elin-dresses", as she expressed herself. I SO wanna go there! :P
In the evening we had dinner at an asian restaurant with Phil, Portia, Danny, Nessicas sister Maria and her husband Ryan. I had a Pad Thai, not as nice as in Thailand but still pretty good! The restaurant was located next to Discoverys headquarter, must remember to tell dad that.
Have a lovely weekend!
XX, Elin
What happens in Georgetown stays in Georgetown...
So, to make a long story short: In the afternoon, we met these two flight attendants...
...and seven hours later, we were lying on the stairs.
Seven - eight hours spent at Old Glory, hours where we were looking for prostitutes, pretended to be european superstars, and got our future told by tarot readers. The longer version comes later! Maybe...
Long live Italy
Just eaten lunch, and is now on my way to the shower! Thinking, though, about opening a cold beer, going out in the sun and smoking a cigarette before I attack the serious task of showering. What a life, huh? It is sad that it will not last forever, but I would probably get bored if it did! Today I went into the centre and found a secondhand store. Love it! So now Elin is jealous, cause she went to the pool instead. And a common interest of our is sencondhandstores. Yesterday we spent the day and evening in Georgetown. It was nice. I have noticed that I only like places that our similar to Italy, so as said, Georgetown with its old houses and small shops reminded me of Italy. I think I left a bit of my heart in Rome, cause wherever I go I compare it with Italy. Ok, this will be enough for now, and the decision is to drink a beer and smoke a cigarette, not the shower!
Old glory
We were told that Georgetown should be a nice part of DC, and that we probably would like it a lot, so yesterday we went there to check it out. And they were right, we loved it! I did some shopping at Urban Outfitters, and then we sat down at a cosy sports bar to watch Sweden - USA. I have mixed feelings about the result, I guess It would have been better for them to loose, but defeating USA is always fun. Well, we went to some fun second hand stores, and then Nessica went back to the sports bar while I choosed to go to H&M... after queuing for ages (without buying anything in the end) , I went back to the sports bar too. We were supposed to meet up with Nessicas sister around 18 for some drinks, but she had forgotten that she had to lead a yoga class so unfortunately we could not meet her. But, instead of going home, we decided to stay, and soon we met two funny flight attendants working for Air France, and we had a crazy night together with them.
So, today I guess we'll just take it easy. Two days ago we visited a center for homeless people and they took our phone number, hopefully they will call us and say that we can help out with something! And speaking about phones, I am no longer using my Swedish sim card, we have bought a new one for the US, so if you text my swedish nr, I won't see it. Now, time for some Ben and Jerrys. Breakfast, with other words.
So, today I guess we'll just take it easy. Two days ago we visited a center for homeless people and they took our phone number, hopefully they will call us and say that we can help out with something! And speaking about phones, I am no longer using my Swedish sim card, we have bought a new one for the US, so if you text my swedish nr, I won't see it. Now, time for some Ben and Jerrys. Breakfast, with other words.
Manhattan Beach
Pool party
4:th of July
Me and the White house
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