
Oh, such a perfect day...

Ok, my feet are sore but hey! I had a great day, so it's totally worth it. I went to see the Washington monument, the WWII monument, the Lincoln memorial and then the White house again, this time from the other side, where the fountain is.

I was also very lucky, because outside Lincolns hood two teenagers stopped me. They wanted to ask some questions about religion and my opinion about religious persons and so on, and do I like to say my opinion or do I like to say my opinion? They asked me a bunch of questions and I gave them my 10 min answers, haha. They asked me for example how it is in Sweden with religion, and I said that even though Sweden is a secular state, many people would argue that Sweden is a christian country, and many people would say that they are Christians without really knowing anything about it. They also asked if I get annoyed or feel provoked when someone tells me that he or she is religious, or if I feel uncomfortable among people that are religious. It's easy for me to answer that question, but the topic is a complex one. I said no, of course not, but when they asked about something that makes me annoyed, I said what I always say, that do get annoyed and angry when people pretend to be christian for a moment "because it's tradition", a.ka. baptising kids without being a true christian. I told them I never EVER would baptism my kids, because I think it would be insulting of me to do so; I want to show my true christian friends respect. After that we started to talk about the political issues in Sweden, so I told him about how those who rule our country want to cut down on welfare. I told him how stupid it is, to stop people from being inside the safety net just to save money, because what happens? They end up in hell, and then the government have to pay anyway. Why not help people before they end up there? Stupid... and finally I told them about our racist party, and they got chocked. And when I think about it, I'm still chocked myself.

That was my day, a perfect blend of sightseeing and discussions ;)

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