I really like it at Ivy Mount, the kids are awesome and the staff is just great. Me and Nessica had some problems today though, you know these days when you just can't stop laughing, or, giggling is a better word. We had that kind of day today, a giggling day, until lunch time, when we decided to shape up and separate us from each other. It worked!
One exercise we did today was really funny, the teacher was pretending to be our mum, and she pretended to wear clothes that were too small and made her look fat. Then she asked each one of us; "Do I look fat in this?", and we had to answer honestly but in two different ways; first, in a bad way, and then in a good way. So, since she actually looked fat in it (well, not the teacher, but our imaginary mother), we had to say "yes you look fat" but in a nice way. Because, you should be able to be honest without hurting the persons feelings, and even though it is hard to be honest, one must be able to be honest anyway. My rude answer was: No, not ten years ago, but now, oh yes. My nice answer was; It looks ok, but your dress with flowers on is my favourite, can't you wear that one instead?
The kids were just amazing on coming up with good answers, we all had a good laugh, but I also got really impressed too.
It starting to feel kind of sad that we're only there for a week, I will miss the place!
After work we went to the mall, and I stayed for 5 hours ;P Bought a silly thing, since I loooove Disney and I loooove Christmas. Yes, a Disney thing to put in the X-mas tree :)
Nessica is out dancing salsa, so I'm gonna go have dinner with the family. See you!
XX, Elin
I hope you have fun tonight darling!
Yesterday me and Phillip and Liz went to the pool, Phillip amazed all the little kids with his skills :)
This is just a kiss from a brother to a sister, Andreas and Phillip have accepted that I am their new sister, they have adopted me and I'm grateful, haha :)
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